Blogging all things baby and birth in Asheville. Western NC birth services, western NC infant care. Asheville area postpartum doulas, post-baby help. Overnight baby care in Asheville and Hendersonville. Asheville Childbirth Education, Birth Classes, Infant Care, Newborn Care, Asheville Night Nanny, Overnight infant care, Hendersonville, Waynesville, Hickory Doula, Hickory Placenta, Waynesville Placenta, Waynesville Postpartum Doula.
A little confused about what doulas are (and what they do?!) You aren’t alone :) Here’s the top 5 things we hear when people find out we are doulas (and what we want them to know).
Quick guide to breast pumps and how to choose the right pump for you (and get it for free!)
In a few days, every parent's most dreaded morning of the year will again be upon us. The end of Daylight Saving Time.
LOTS of folks are still not aware of the role Postpartum Doulas play. And why are folks hiring help for their post-birth recovery and adjustment anyway?! Well, I'm glad you asked ;)
...but this handy dandy free printable guide can help you think through your own preferences and foster a dialogue with your provider about your birth goals and options.